Step into the Mystical Journey of a Lifetime
May 2025 Retreat to
A Sacred Pilgrimage to Mary Magdalene’s Heartland in Southern France
Unearth the Hidden Mysteries of the Divine Feminine?
Deepen Your Connection with Ancient Wisdom?
Transform Your Life through Sacred Rituals and Sisterhood?
Why This Pilgrimage?
Imagine tracing the footsteps of Mary Magdalene through the rolling hills and sacred grottos of Southern France. This journey is more than just a retreat—it's a spiritual awakening, a call to connect with the deepest parts of your soul and the ancient wisdom that lies within.
Your journey will include:
CULTIVATE Soulful Sisterhood: Forge lifelong bonds with other seekers as you journey together on this sacred path.
UNLOCK the Secrets of Mary Magdalene: Explore the sacred sites steeped in history and mystery, where Mary Magdalene's presence is still felt.
PARTICIPATE in Saint Sara’s Sacred Procession: Join the powerful, age-old tradition that honors the connection between women and the divine.
EXPERIENCE Transformational Rituals: Engage in ancient practices that will awaken your inner goddess and renew your spirit.
CONNECT with the Wisdom of the Ages: Return home with profound insights and a deeper connection to your sacred feminine essence.
EMBODY your Sacred Feminine Power: Connect with a primordial feminine power.
AWAKEN your inner Goddess Archetypes: Learn how to embody your authentic feminine power and potential.
CULTIVATE soulful sisterhood:
Mary Magdalene has called many sisters to join together on a collective journey to RE-MEMBER the Goddess who has been lost to so many of us raised in the West.
Our sisterhood is our strength. Conscious sisterhood is a radical act of Love. It defies old patriarchal paradigms that keep women pitted against one another.
Together we will break the silence. We will hold space for another to let go and grieve. And we will celebrate our mutual healing and power to revitalize!
Together we RISE!
EXPERIENCE transformational rituals:
The rituals we create together will ENHANCE the way you experience major life events and transitions.
They will help you CONNECT more deeply with Magdalene and your Sacred Feminine path.
Photo: Una Rebić
PARTICIPATE in the other-worldly magic of Saint Sara’s Procession into the Mediterranean Sea:
The Romani festival for Saint Sara is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the PURE JOY that comes from celebrating the women who risked their lives to spread the spiritual message of LOVE.
UNLOCK the secrets of Mary Magdalene:
Mary Magdalene was a teacher of LOVE. She was also a teacher, a possible priestess, and definitely a mystic.
Her presence in France also tell us that She was unwaveringly devoted to Her beloved, Christ. Together will will hike to the grotto where it’s believed Mary spent the last 30 years of Her life in heart-centered devotion to Her beloved.
What are the secrets that lie hidden in this cave? If you ask with a sincere heart and an open mind, Magdalene may reveal to you the hidden truths of Her Sacred Mysteries.
EMBODY your Sacred Feminine Power:
Perhaps the most vital part of the journey to Magdalene—and the Goddess generally—is also the most difficult.
As we go along on our Magdalene journey, we’ll be continually challenged to LET GO of our inhereted ideas of womanhood and femininity.
Magdalene will INVITE us into a deeper experience of Sacred Feminine Power that is DEEPLY rooted in the body.
And as I’ve learned from my own journey, it’s from this point of embodiment that I have been able to answer the question tugging at my heart: what does it mean to be a woman outside of patriarchal conditioning?
Whatever your question, Magdalene will guide you to find your answers.
Photo: Una Rebić
AWAKEN your inner goddess archetypes:
Mary Magdalene is a true Everywoman.
On this pilgrimage, you’ll encounter Her many archetypes. Each Magdalene archetype will teach you how to access and EMBODY your authentic feminine power and potential.
Photo: Bryan Anton
AWAKEN to ancient feminine wisdoms:
Each of us has an ancestral wisdom nestled deep within our genes waiting to be activated and awakened.
Some of us may feel most connected to our genetic ancestral wisdom.
Others may feel deeply connected to a spiritual lineage.
And still others may resonate with a sacred dharmic path (life purpose and duty).
Whatever your lineage or lineages, the Magdalene pilgrimage will help you identify and deepen into your true purpose and Sacred Feminine pathway.
Fill out the following form to be added to my
Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage waitlist 2025:
My Personal Story with Mary Magdalene:
A Journey of Coming Home
My journey with Mary Magdalene began shortly after encountering the fierce, sensual, and infinitely powerful Hindu goddesses while on a dance retreat in India. These goddesses literally turned my world upside down. Suddenly, the difference between Hinduism and Christianity was glaringly obvious. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the two starkly different religious approaches. One that sees Goddess everywhere and the other one that sees Her nowhere. As I processed this massive chasm, I looked back at my own culture and longed for a familiar image of the Divine Feminine. “Where is She?” I wondered. Feeling perplexed, angry, and betrayed, I knew that my next and only mission was to find Her.
It was from there that I began my search for the missing Goddess in the Western tradition. Soon Mary Magdalene came to me in a mediation and made it clear that She would be my guide and Sacred Feminine muse on this quest.
Ravenous to learn everything I could about Magdalene, I quickly found myself on a solo pilgrimage to Her sacred sites in South France. I wanted to know who the REAL Mary was, beyond the official church narrative.
My quest to find Mary Magdalene there was a magical initiation into the realm of Goddess worship. According to the legends, it’s believed that Mary Magdalene landed on the shores of Southern France (then Gaul) post-crucifixion. She taught Christ’s teachings to the inhabitants before retiring to the cave La Sainte Baume (in Provençe), living as an ascetic, devoted to Her beloved Christ, for the last 30 years of her life.
Entering the cave feels like entering the womb of Goddess. Walking through the cave entrance for the first time, I felt as if I was entering Mary Magdalene’s secret feminine sanctuary. Magnetically pulled to this site, I made the 30-minute hike three times in two days. I had an urgency to be near Her. I felt deeply connected to Her spirit there. On my final day in the belly of the cave, standing in front of one of Her statues, I reached my hand out to touch Her face one more time. In the exact moment my hand made contact with Her face, a single drop of water fell from the cavernous ceiling and landed directly on my forehead in the location of my third eye. Ecstatic, I exclaimed “I’ve been anointed!” so loudedly in my head I was sure everyone in the cave heard my joy. This was a moment of divine clarity; I was on the right path.
Mary put me in touch with a deeper, archetypal, experience of the Sacred Feminine. She revealed Her archetypal potency as intense devotion and a heart on fire with Love.
At the end of my journey I realized that my pilgrimage to Mary Magdalene was just as much a journey of self-discovery as it was about finding Her. It dawned on me that my search for the “real” Mary Magdalene was born from my desire to discover what it truly means to be a woman outside of patriarchal conditioning. As my journey with Her continues, the Magdalene has helped me discover that truth for myself.
The Mary Magdalene pilgriamge makes it possible for all women to experience this level of transformation and freedom.
Are you ready to join me on the journey?
Dr. Annalisa Derr is a goddess educator, sacred feminine embodiment facilitator, and ritual theatre creatrix. She has her doctorate in Mythological Studies with Emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. She also holds a BA in Acting with specialized training in masked and physical theater from international master teachers in Italy, India, and NYC.
Currently, Annalisa is finalizing a book about the ancient Sumerian goddess Inanna that helps liberate women from internalized sexism and menstrual shame and (re)awakens them to their Sacred Feminine Power.
Annalisa hosts Journey to the Goddess TV, a platform designed to enrich the lives of everyday women with interviews and keynote presentations by experts in goddess scholarship and spirituality. She also offers sacred feminine retreats and embodiment workshops.
Last, but not least, she is an aspiring flamenco dancer, Italophile, and pilgrimess.
Sitting with Ma Kali
Varanasi, India
“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.
— Joseph Campbell in "The Power of Myth"
Receiving darshan from the Tantric goddess Lalitha
Varanasi, India
Photo: Una Rebić
Delphi, Greece
Diana of Ephesus Replica, Villa d’Este
Tivoli, Italy
Our Lady Gaudalupe, The Grotto
Portland, OR
Empress Theodora, Basilica di San Vitale
Ravenna, Italy
Minoan Women
Knossos Palace, Crete
On the Goddess path
Varanasi, India
Saint Sara
Black Madonna of the Romani
Les Saintes Maries de le Mer
Devi Shrine
Bangalore, India
Ancestral ritual for my Grandmother
San Juan Island, WA
Temple of the Virgin Vestal Priestesses
Roma, Italy
Madonna of Libera
Santuario Maria SS. Della Libera, Naples, Italy
Mary Magdalene
La Sainte Baume grotto
Provence, France
Madame Marie Laveau’s House of Voodoo
New Orleans, LA
Sibyl Temple
The Sibyls were an ancient female oracle tradition
Tivoli, Italy
Mother Ganga
Varanasi, India